Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My 3rd Jab!!!

Today, I've had my 3rd jab!!! Last one for the year!!! Yeh yeh!!! So happy!!! I am now strong and healthy and I can go for walks and playgrounds now!!! Heeheee!!! QQman promises to bring me for walks often but QQtie today just read that I can only walk for 15 mins at the most as I'm still young!!! I can't wait to get older!!! Hahahaa...

Oh ya!!! Today I have an "escape adventure"! Hahaaa... I managed to push the gate open and went exploring the whole house by myself!!! So happy!!! Probably I can just pee here... outside the master bedroom!!! wow!!! That's feel good... nobody scolding me... or probably just poo in the other room... Wow!!! So much poo!!! Yeh yeh!!! Let me run around after that!!! yeh yeh YEH!!! They surely will be surprised when they get home!!! Hahahaaa!!!

But now, I'm so tired and the Doc says there may be some side effects... that is I'll be tired and sleep a lot and eat less play less... no wonder I'm so .. so tired now.. that *yawn* ... really feel like sleep and not running here and there... although QQtie keeps playing with me... running here and there ... so silly!!!.... *yawn*... let me just rest my eyes for a while... *snore*

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