Monday, March 30, 2009

First Walk!!!

I've just went for my first walk on Sat!!! It wasn't very fun though. I don't like walking outside... a lot of loud sounds that is so scary... I don't want to walk on my own... I want to be carried... it feels so funny that I keep sitting down and don't want to continue with my walk... but they keep pulling me and coaxing me... they even brought my favourite biscuit that I can't help it but walk on...

The next day, QQman brought me down alone as QQtie needs to mop the floor... I love mopping floor... or should I say the mop... :P I didn't want to walk again... and sat down when we were going back... he has no choice but to run... and I'm forced to run with him... I just don't like that!!! So tiring!!! I'm so tired that I keep sleeping for the rest of the day... I didn't even have the appetite to eat my meals... that QQtie get so worried and started nagging at QQman... and she's so worried that I'm afraid she'll get her depression again... Dun worry... I'll eat my food. See!!! Today I've finished all my food and has a round tummy again!!! ^_^

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My 3rd Jab!!!

Today, I've had my 3rd jab!!! Last one for the year!!! Yeh yeh!!! So happy!!! I am now strong and healthy and I can go for walks and playgrounds now!!! Heeheee!!! QQman promises to bring me for walks often but QQtie today just read that I can only walk for 15 mins at the most as I'm still young!!! I can't wait to get older!!! Hahahaa...

Oh ya!!! Today I have an "escape adventure"! Hahaaa... I managed to push the gate open and went exploring the whole house by myself!!! So happy!!! Probably I can just pee here... outside the master bedroom!!! wow!!! That's feel good... nobody scolding me... or probably just poo in the other room... Wow!!! So much poo!!! Yeh yeh!!! Let me run around after that!!! yeh yeh YEH!!! They surely will be surprised when they get home!!! Hahahaaa!!!

But now, I'm so tired and the Doc says there may be some side effects... that is I'll be tired and sleep a lot and eat less play less... no wonder I'm so .. so tired now.. that *yawn* ... really feel like sleep and not running here and there... although QQtie keeps playing with me... running here and there ... so silly!!!.... *yawn*... let me just rest my eyes for a while... *snore*

Friday, March 20, 2009

Home alone!!!

On Wednesday, was my first home alone day. I keep looking for my owners for the whole day, but in vain. Lucky, I'm a brave girl and did not cry. All I do is sleep whole day! But was I surprise when QQman came home at noon time to have a look at me and clean up my mess!!! Hahahaa... I'm still having trouble knowing when or where to pee or poo. Dun blame me lah, I'm still so young!!! 3rd month birthday still haven't reach lor... :P

Oh ya! Forget to tell u about my first trip to the vet! Hahahaa... I wasn't afraid ok? And I was so so friendly to the doc and the nurse that they love me so much and keep calling me "puppy puppy".

Oh! Never tell you what happen to me right? I've got a cold and was down with flu and diarrhea, too... that's why I keep whining after every poo... the poo is so watery and disgusting! ^_^ and I've been taking medicine from then... there's a total of 4 types of medicine... 2 are disgusting one... and I really hate them... 1 is ok... and the last one is always the best!!! The most aromatic and sweetest medicine I've ever eaten (although I've never had a lot though :P) Smell so much like beef and it's a medicine that makes me eat more and more... (Isn't that bad for my figure? But I really can't stop eating that! OMG!) Anyway, I've been better now... my poo poo is harder and those long ones... and I don't whine that much... although I still have a bit of my wheezing nose... hope I'll recover soon and I'm going for my 3rd jab on Tuesday! Then I can start going out for a walk!!! Can't wait for that to happen! Yeh yeh!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

First day home!!!

Oh!!! This is so scary!!! Where is this couple taking me to??? I want to stay with my bros and sis!!! Today, there's already just the 5 of us... (previously there were 6)... Where did my sis went? Today is my turn!!! I don't want to be alone!!!

But they seem like a nice couple... and this lady keep talking to me... and she sound very familiar... isn't she from the last week couple? Am I leaving my family for good? It's so scary and I can't help but shivers...

The couple keep walking around in the shop, buying things but all I want to do is walk on the floor and take a nap... after all it's noon time now and time to sleep ... but they are still walking around... and wow! They really buy a lot of things... is it for me?? hehehee... so
exciting!!! Wow!!! They spent almost 200 bucks on me... am I important or what!!! ^_^

What are they doing now? Why am I in an enclosed area? What is this white thingy that can move? Why is the view outside so fast? Oh dear!!! What's happening? But... but... my eyes are ... are... are... closing... closing... let me take a nap first then think later...

What's that noise? Why are they keep saying Qby Qby? so irritating... and why are we walking up? Where's the moving white thing now? why is she putting me down on the cold slippery floor? Can I walk now? Wow!!! Such a big place! It's so scary!!!
But I feel FREE!!! Yeh!!! Let me run around!!! See my happy face? Hhahahaa... Oh dear!!! Feel like shitting and peeing now!!! Let me just poo here... and pee there... Wow wow!!! So much poo!!! Hahahaa... and so smelly, should I just take a bite???!!! hahahaa... oh but she stopping me...

Oh bother!!! Might as well go run around and jump around!!! Yeh yeh!!! Run here!!! Run there!!! Run everywhere!!! Yeh yeh yeh!!! *Yawn* I think ... I'll jump here too...
*Yawn* I think... this bed look very comfy too... let me jump here... *Yawn*... eyes closing.. let me just rest and sit awhile... *Yawn*... snore... snore.... snore...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Will anyone bring me home?

I'm a little female Jack Russell Terrier. My birthday is on the Christmas Day in 2008. I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters. Life at the Petmover has been peaceful and full of fun and sleep.

1 week ago, a couple by the name of QQman and QQtie came to my birthplace at the pet farm and saw me and my 3 other sisters. They are trying to get a female puppy. Being the most outstanding, playful and unique (I have tri-colour !) puppy among all my sisters, they saw me and fell in love with me. But funny though, they didn't buy me then. Well, good for me though as I can still play with my bros and sis.

But yesterday, they came back again. This time they straightaway look for me and brought me out of my cage. I keep yapping at them and I want to go back to my bros and sis. It so scary being alone!!! When the shop person pick me up, I keep shivering. But I have a hunch that this will be my last week with my bros and sis. What will my life be like in the future? Will I be lonely? Will I be loved? Will I be sad? Will they give me away? The future seem so unknown. But they really seem like nice person. Well, don't care for now. Just wanna be with my bros and sis. *Yawn*